Seabreeze – 2017 – C
Personal Information
Trevor Vanyo
19 Old Port Circle
Ormond Beach FL 32174
Shoe Size: 12 DOB: 1-19-99
Family Information
Mother’s Name: Tami Vanyo Cell #: 386-506-2609
Father’s Name: Mike Vanyo Cell #:
Siblings in College: none
Living Arrangements: Mom, brother, and sister
Academic Information
Seabreeze High School
2700 N Oleander Ave
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
Core GPA: 4.04 SAT: ACT: NCAA #: 1511344998
Counselor Name: Brian Richardson Email:
Intended Major: Business
Baseball Information
Primary Position: C Secondary: OF B/T: R/R Jersey #: 14
Years Played: since 9 Height: 5’10 Weight 180 60-time: 7.3
Velocity: Infield: Outfield: Pop Time: 1.94
Previous Year Stats:
High School Coach: Anthony Campanella Phone #: 386-852-7330
Travel Ball Team: Freshwater Storm Coach: Matt Warr Phone #: 321-514-2266
Travel Schedule:
Reference Letters
Personal Letter:
Baseball and school have always been my passion since I was very young. I am always trying to better myself in both areas — learning and getting better every single day. I am a guy who will never quit,, and will work my butt off to get what I want. Playing baseball in college has been my top priority since I started playing back in tee ball, and I see myself doing that one day. — Trevor Vanyo
Scouting Video: